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Reasons the COVID-19 Lockdown is a Great Time to Send Mail

Source: Heidi Tolliver-Walker, WhatTheyThink, May 6, 2020

I recently interviewed an executive at a large print shop, and in that conversation, we discussed the role of direct mail during the COVID-19 pandemic. With direct mail becoming increasingly sophisticated and printers investing in both printing and finishing equipment that enables more creative pieces, we discussed how now is actually a great time to be sending mail.

Here are five reasons why:

  1. Direct mail reminds us of a personal connection that we don’t have right now. With most states still under stay-at-home orders, mail becomes an even more important physical connection to others. With pieces being increasingly creative and tangible, the tactile nature of coatings and embellishments reminds us of connection that we long for.
  2. Connection is now cost-effective at volume. With the investments being made, not just in high-speed inkjet printers but also in high-speed finishing lines, the sophistication and creativity previously relegated to smaller run jobs can now be done at high volumes.

Read the next three reasons

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