Complete Story


Hard Questions. Big Decisions.

Carol Butler, President of the Goering Center

Succession planning isn’t easy. The Goering Center can help.

When it comes to succession planning, family and private business owners face unique and consid­erable challenges. Contemplating a transition brings up hard questions, and big decisions, that affect everyone involved. How and to whom do I transfer owner­ship and leadership? When and at what price? How can I let go? How much income will I need? What will I do, who will I be, and what will my life be like after the transition?

Potential successors face related issues. They often ask themselves: Am I ready? Can I do it on my own? Would I be happier doing something else? What is the business worth? How will I finance the purchase? Will I be accepted? Who can help me figure out all of this? 

A Proven Path to Success

The Goering Center has developed an eight-step program to prepare both generations for a successful transition of control and ownership – the Next Generation Institute (NGI). Founders/owners and their “next generation” successors identify succession planning issues and address them together. 

Since its start, NGI has helped over 400 business owners and leaders understand succession planning and the related issues. 

NGI teaches family and private businesses how to transition roles and ownership by creating a mutual vision for the com­pany while engaging essential advisors and peers. Side-by-side, with the support of expert facilitators, both generations learn valuable lessons on how to jointly begin the path to transition. 

8 Steps to a Seamless Transition of Value and Control

Apprehensive? You’re Not Alone

Studies show that many business owners fail to plan their succession. When lead­ers serve as the head for both business and family, they may believe that their succession wishes will be carried out posthumously – simply assuming their family will know what they want to hap­pen after their death and execute their plans accordingly. 

What leaders often do not anticipate is the strife that occurs when a succession plan is not clearly in place. Commonly, the family or management team does not agree with the wishes of the leader that has passed away, resulting in dissen­sion and chaos. 

Both family and private businesses face a multitude of problems in succession planning which can be incredibly difficult to navigate. These issues are most easily, and most effectively, dealt with when there is a true partnership between generations in creating and implementing plans using proven methods. 

For a successful transition, it is also crucial for each party to place the interests of the business first, by operating in a collaborative spirit and recognizing that others are involved in the process.  

Factors for Success 

In order to implement a successful ownership and leadership succession, leaders must address four key factors:

  1. Know their strengths, weaknesses, personal characteristics and develop­ment needs.
  2. Recognize the issues and problems that affect the successful ownership transition.
  3. Understand proven, time-tested processes to deal with these issues and problems.
  4. Have knowledgeable, expert peers, mentors or advisors that understand the specific situation so that they may provide ground­ing advice and support throughout the process. 

Look for the full conference brochure in our upcoming Communicator.

2018 Leadership Conference & Golf Outing


Leadership Conference

Casino Night, sponsored by Printers 401K

 Millcraft Grand Ceremony

Sterling Distribution Golf Tournament

Click here to read more about the 2018 Leadership Conference, find hotel information.

Registration for the conference is now open.

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