Graphic Media Alliance

Complete Story



CST Co. was founded in the booming economy of 1927, CST has served the collection needs of business and industry through times of prosperity and periods of deepest depression. Through the years, it has become recognized as one of the most successful and respected commercial collection agencies in America.

CST Co. is a full-service commercial collection agency with over 82 years of experience in the personal handling of accounts worldwide. Bad debt recovery percentages are increased not only through personal collection services, but also by pre-collection services and programs that monitor marginal accounts.

CST numbers among its clients many of the nation’s major corporations; more than 80% of the Fortune 500 corporations are regular CST clients. CST is endorsed by numerous national trade associations for use by their members. The firm is a charter member of the select group that belongs to the Collection Agency Section of the Commercial Law League of America. In fact, CST Co. was issued the 2nd Certificate of Compliance by the CLLA.

All members can benefit from the discounted pricing made available through CST Co., if you are a current customer or not.

To learn more about CST Co., call your Business Development Director at (888) 576-1971.

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