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Four Things Networking Can Help You Do

Source: Lily Zhang, themuse, August 6, 2019

How many times have you been told how important networking is? Plenty, I’m sure. But, if that’s not motivation enough for you to go out and meet new people, here are four more ways networking can help you, beyond just growing your network in preparation for you next big career opportunity.

1. Gather Info on the Industry

Whether you’re changing industries or furthering your knowledge of your current one, networking and conducting informational interviews are a great way to figure out what’s going on in your field of interest.

Ask people you meet or sit down with about their recent challenges and accomplishments or about trends they’re seeing in their work. In particular, if something big has recently happened in your industry, see what your conversation partner thinks of the impact it might have on the field as a whole. You’ll get a much broader perspective if you expand the conversation beyond your own friends and officemates.

2. Learn from the Wins (and Mistakes) of Others

Sometimes it can be difficult to get people talking, even if you’re meeting one-on-one and not at some large awkward networking event. If this is happening to you, try asking the person you’re networking with about his or her successes and failures. Of course, you don’t want to say, “Tell me about a time you failed”—so try asking if, looking back on his career, if there’s anything he would do differently, or if there’s anything she would definitely recommend to people just starting out in the field.

Don’t feel weird asking about personal experiences. There’s plenty to be learned from the achievements and mistakes of others, and people love to talk about themselves.

Read two more ways networking can help you

How WE Can Help YOU Network:

Young Professionals are invited to come together to network with your peers and connect with like-minded individuals!

Date: Thursday, August 15, 2019

Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Location: Land-Grant Brewing Company

               424 W. Town St. Columbus, OH 43215


Printing Industries of Ohio • N.Kentucky and its members celebrate the next generation of the industry and encourage new talent to prosper. The Young Professionals group is designed for Millennials and Generation Z individuals, who are working in the print and graphics industry.

The Young Professionals Happy Hour serves as a time for members, new or established, to collaborate and shape the future of the printing industry. It provides opportunities for the next generation to meet, discuss, learn and share the ins and outs of print; and to just have fun getting to know one another!

Send your Young Professionals to have a drink on us, and meet their peers in the industry.

Contact Rachel Rossman at 614-794-2300 or to register

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